PSR Gatherings for Adults
Parents of students in our PSR (Parish School of Religion) Program are always invited to meet with each other during their children’s classes, which take place at 8:45 AM every Sunday. The presentations are timely and all other adult parishioners are welcome to attend. Topics for January sessions include:
January 5 - Raising Screenagers
January 12 - The Domestic Church
January 19 - Identity
January 26 – The Source and Summit
of Our Faith
For more information, contact Sarah Borah, Faith Formation Coordinator, at (740) 974-5925 or [email protected].
Family Catechesis Sunday
We will come together as families to learn all about the Jesse Tree as we draw near to the Advent season.
Enjoy lunch as a family and then breakout sessions by age group to do activities and have age appropriate lessons. We will come back together to create our own Jesse Tree ornaments and share how we can add this wonderful tradition to our Advent season.
Living liturgically is a great way to keep our Catholic faith alive. Please join us this Sunday. Let us know your family is coming by calling the parish office.