Who is required to take the class? The following adults are required to attend a Protecting God’s Children class:
All parish, school and diocesan employees, regardless of their level of contact with children.
All clergy and applicants to clerical formation who serve in the Diocese.
All volunteers in the school, all coaches, all boy scout and cub scout volunteers, volunteers working in a school program or volunteers working in ministry for children and youth, regardless of their level of contact with children.
Volunteers for other parish programs or ministries who have been delegated care, custody or control of children.
How to Register for a Protecting God’s Children (PGC) Awareness Session Registration must be completed online at www.virtus.org. Select “First Time Registrant” on the green bar, left side of screen. Select View List of Session. At the drop down menu, select Columbus, OH (Diocese) either Register and create your account or click on View a List of Session to View a listing of current class offerings, times, and locations. For further instructions on registering for a class, How to Register for PGC How to Post Register for a Protecting God's Children Class If you attended a Protecting God's Children Class, but did not Register/Create a VIRTUS account you will need to do so. Your VIRTUS account will maintain a copy of your Protecting God's Children Completion Certificate as well as the date(s) of your background reports. When you go to volunteer, the Safe Environment Coordinator will go to your VIRTUS account to verify that you have completed your PGC class and that you have a background report. Click here for instructions on how to post register for a PGC class.